Square and Round Dance Club in Logan Utah

New Year, New Start!

New Location and New Payment Methods

We presented at a club meeting at the beginning of December that we were moving to dance in a new location, and that moving there requires that we change the way that payments are made. We know that most club members were there, but a few were not,, and some of those that were may not remember the details of what was discussed and decided so we will put it all down here where all can see!


Our new dance location is the Logan Community Recreation Center in the Aerobics room. The address is 195 S 100 W, Logan, UT 84321. There is a parking area to the South of the building and the entrance to dancing will be on the South East corner of the building. The room has a nice wood floor and is larger than the room we have been using and it is significantly less expensive for the club to rent!


One side effect of using this new space is that we are unable to exchange money in the city owned building or it’s premises. This being the case we will accept payment in the following ways PayPal, Venmo, and by mail. If you do not have a PayPal or Venmo account they are really easy to setup and link to your checking account.

As we decided in our meeting we will be asking members to pay $30 per person ($60 per couple) per month in an effort to keep our finances in the black. We will need to have members make their once a month payment to one of the following:

  • PayPal – @MichaelMcNees
  • Venmo – @Mike-McNees
  • Mail – Make a check payable to Lace n Levis and mail it to 3540 West 600 South Logan, UT 84321

If you would like a reminder from PayPal or Venmo each month we can send out a payment request. Let Mike know if that is what you would like.

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